Welcome to the Party!

Hi, My name is Keisha Evans and Welcome to Posh Diva Parties! 

I may not be a professional party planner, but I am a Posh Diva who loves Parties!

I love helping my family and close friends plan, decorate, and throw parties. If you need decor inspiration, party recipes, or even favor ideas Posh Diva Parties is here to help! 

Whenever I come across an easy peasy DIY or a yummy party punch I love to share and pass it on! Posh Diva Parties is all about sharing! I want to share everything I'm learning along the way and all the party secrets I've learned so far. 

My goal is to post at least once a week providing great party styling tips, DIY projects, and to show you all the fun celebrations I've got to help with along the way. 

I hope you will join the party and Thank you so much for being here! 



Much Love Post