NFL Christmas Party Part 3 {Activities & Photo Props}

We didn't have many activities planned! We wanted the day to be really chill and relaxing. We just wanted to sit around, grub, and have a really good time and we did just that! I asked each of my family members to wear their favorite NFL teams and represent their teams buy wearing NFL memorable whether it being a hat, scarf or t-shirt. Everyone had great team spirit and wore their favorite teams. We all went outside and showed off our teams and took pictures. It was alot of fun to see what each person favorite team was.

Team Ravens
My uncle James, my sister and her son were all rooting for Baltimore Ravens! 

Team 49ers
My two sisters, nieces, cousin JJ and Aunt Malia were all repping the San Francisco 49ers!

My niecey poo looked soooo darn cute in her 49ers gear!

Team Vikings
My husband's favorite team is Minnesota Vikings so me and our twin boys wore the hubby's team! So here is my little family representing for Minnesota!

Team Cowboys, Bengals, and Faclons
My Mom was the only one repping the Cowboys, My cousin, Max loves the Bengals and my Aunt was also the only one who is a Falcons fan. 

The Forty-niners won hands down! 
So first place was the 49ers with 7 people, then my little family won second place with 4 people and last but not least with third place the Ravens.

After we went out side and snapped pictures and showed off our teams we went back inside to grub! Everyone was pretty excited to try all of our Game day food we had prepared and to goof off and play around with some Christmas photo booth props.

To find out where I got my Christmas photo booth props and my review on them just click here!

Our Christmas was absolutely FUN this year and I hope all of yours was just as wonderful!

Merry Christmas!


Much Love Post